Saturday, 22 August 2009

My PCD week pictures <3

Here are some pictures from my eventful PCD week! The review is down below if you haven't read it already. They are all in a bit of a mixed up order but I can't really be bothered to sort them out, sorry!! :)

Me, Taylor and Lisa after Kims dance class.

Team Wyatt banner.

Jaimi, Lisa and myself waiting for the Dolls to come on stage in Liverpool.

"We go up, we go down, like an elevator" :)

Chloe and I in Liverpool haha.

Me (looking a bit windswept) and Tom.

Pictures from the Silverstone and Kent concerts!

Melody <3

Kim <3

Ashley <3 lol.

KimMel! :)

Nicole looking a bit scary haha.

Ash and Kim rockin' out! Love this!

Kim, Nicole, Melody & Ashley.



Hehe :)

Me with my "Melody Stars" before leaving for Silverstone.

Lisa and I in Kent.

Omg it's Kims glove! I caught it when she threw it into the crowd at Kent.

Lisa, Kim and I before the class :)

I loooove this picture :)

I also love this picture! Natalie, Nabeel, myself and Lisa.

Kim and I at the M&G after the class :D

Kim signed the glove for me :) <3

Christian, Lisa and I in London.

Me with Melody!

Another one. It was raining :(

Kim and me again.

Melody and me againnn...

Aww yay it's me and Ashley :D I could have smiled more though :/

I love this picture! Ashley, me and Kimmm.

Melody and I after randomly bumping into her in the street.

Nabeel and these two. <3

E, Nabeel, me, Bizu and Alvin :)

Haha this was when we randomly met Aly and AJ while waiting for PCD.

With Miss Ashley Roberts again.

Aww me and Nabeeeeeel!!!!

Last pic of Kim and I!

And here is a video I made of my Kim memories from the week :)