Thursday, 3 September 2009

Blackpool <3, Lisa and Natalie drove down to Blackpool on Friday. We got there, but we found out Kim wasn't getting there till the next day so we just wondered round and ate food and whatever. Oh and we didn't have enough money for a hotel so we were sleeping in Lisas car LOOOOL. How embarrassing.

So we woke up at 6am on Saturday morning cos we had to go pick Nabeel up from the coach station. So we did that, and went to McDonalds and stuff to try to make ourselves look half decent in the bathrooms lol. Then we start heading towards the the UDOs about 9am. I never heard back from Mark about the tickets so I had emailed him and as we were walking there he emailed me back (thank god for my blackberry!) saying I have to call him when we get there and him and Kim would get there about 4pm. SO I was like URGHHH 4pm?? Cos it was only like 9am.

So we went into the building and met up with Tori, Eve and Kylie. Then I decided to phone Mark cos we couldn't really do anything without tickets but he wouldn't answer his phone and I didn't want to ring him loads and sound like I'm pestering him. So we just wondered round for a few hours, then we left and went to the beach. We found these random rubber duckys sitting on top of a bin! So Tori and I took one and then set them free into the sea haha.

Oh, and can I just say, I was also really sick. It started off with a cold and then turned into a chest infection. Every time I was outside my chest was killing me and every time I laughed it turned into the most painful cough ever. And I was sneezing alll the time and had a blocked nose, not good.

Anyhoo, so then after a few hours we never heard back from Mark so we went back to the UDOs anyway. Tori, Eve and Kylie already had their wristbands. So I just went up and said I was with Mark Summers and they actually gave Lisa and I two weekend wristbands for free!! I was actually so surprised it worked, cos I don't think Mark had said anything to them. And they cost 35quid. So I was happy. Then Natalie and Nabeel got theirs too and we went in.

Basically we watched the dancing for agesss, just waiting for 4pm to roll round so we could see Kim. But omg some of the dancers were AMAZING!!! Tiny little kids as well, I was just like =/ I wanted to get more video but cameras were prohibited so I only got one video of the Under 16 Newcomers....but I wish I could have filmed the Advanced dancers, or the groups. Anyhooo, then we had to leave the hall for a long interval while they cleaned up and got prepared for the evening.

We got back in at like 7pm and we had to rush for a front row seat lol. It was crazy, all the crazy mums were running so they could watch their little angels haha. Anyway we got front row and then Tori said she could see Kim up on the balcpony in the VIP section but I must have really bad eyesight cos I couldn't even tell it was her. I wanted to go up but no one would come with me. Eventually Kylie came with me but we couldn't get into where she was cos it was VIP. But then I saw her coming down the stairs so I ran over and then I saw her and I went over to her and she had this serious, professional face on and I was like ""Kim!" and she looked at me and her face just broke out into a huge smile and she was like "Heyy you!" and gave me a hug. I can't really remember what I said to her, but it was rushed as she was on her way to stage so didn't get a picture with her. Then we went back to our seats.

Then she went on and spoke a bit about the UDOs etc and then her and Mark went and sat at the judges table because they were judging the 4 groups. The groups were sooooo good!!! And one of them, I think they were called Anemaniacs or something, was like totally going up to Kim and pointing at her and she was getting all embarrassed and putting her head on the table, and then Don't Wanna Fall In Love came on in their music and we were all like YEAHHH!!!! and Kim was just laughing so hard!! So that group was totally sucking up the the judges, but they were sooo good and they eventually won :)

Then Kim left and we saw her taking pictures so we went over but there was loadssss of people so we didn't get much time to talk to her. I got a picture with her (although I look like shittt) and I gave her Taylors letter. I was like "This is from know Taylor in Ireland?" And she was like "Of course!" and I said "Well she asked me to pass this onto you so here it is!" and she was like "Thank yooou!!" And I was like "Omg I love you!" And she said "I love you too!" Then I can't remember when the next happened...but I said to her "Where are you staying tonight?" and she said "Uh I don't know, some place...(then I can't remember what else she said)"...and I was like "Ohhh you don't know the name of your hotel? Maybe you could tell us?" and I was just kinda kidding around but she just sorta laughed and smiled and turned away lmfao.

Then Mark was acting like her security guard, even though she already had one! He was totally covering her, and telling who could get pictures and stuff. So she took a few more pictures and then left.

Then we left too, it was pretty late at this point so we drove around and eventually went to, Lisa, Natalie and Nabeel in a very small car haha. But it wasn't actually as bad as I thought.

Then we woke up and it was Sundayyy. Mark had told me the day before to ring him again but I was like "Ugh why should I ring him if he doesn't even answer his phone or text back?" So we sat for a while, watching the dancing and I eventually decided to text Mark and he actually text back. Although every time I asked a question, he would reply but not answer my freaking question!!! Anyway then eventually he said they were coming in a side way so we went round the outside to try find them but the building is very big with about a million different exits.

So we were like, ugh dunno which one, let's go back inside. And then a car pulls up and stops but none of us really think it's them. So then as a JOKE I started running up to the car and kinda screaming (it was funny at the time lmfao) and then I looked at the driver and was like "hmm he looks suspiciously like Kims security guy" And I looked in the back and could see Kims spiky hair and I was like "OMG!!! I cannot believe I just went running up to the car screaming like some crazed lunatic!!" Hahaha it was hilariousss!! Then Kim and Mark got out and we were talking to Kim and got picturessss. I can't remember what I said to her though? And then she went inside.

So we went inside too, through another door and when we found her she was setting up all her BM clothes and I was like :D I really wish I could have bought another one but I had hardly anyyy money

Anyway, she was there for about 2/3 hours just selling clothes, and taking pictures. So we hung around the whole time and spoke to her every time she was free.

Nabeel asked when she's gonna come back and Kim said she should be back in November (but I'm not sure why) and then she said "I think I might come back about once a year to do workshops!" and Nabeel was like "Orrr.....twice a year?" And she laughed and said "How about once a week?" And we were like yeahhh!!!! Then I asked her if she was going to be at the MOBOs in Glasgow because Mark mentioned something about that and she said "No, I don't think so, but I think Nicole is going to be there!" And I was like "Omg really? Is she presenting an award or something?" And Kim said "No I think she' out an award" Hahahha aww :)

I also said to her she needs to follow Team Wyatt on Twitter and she was like "Oh ok, what is it?" And I was like "I'll write it down cos you'll forget! And you can follow me too!" So then she told all of us to put our twitter names down so she can follow us haha. And we were like "keep that piece of paper safe!!" haha. So I hope she does!

I'm trying to remember what else we spoke aobut...Oh yeah, someone mentioned about her hair and she was lie "I didn't like the way I had it cut" And I said "I think you looked beautiful but I do prefer it when it goes off to the side" and she was like "thank yooou" Then we were talking about nails for some reason. I think Kim said she needs to get her nails done and she asked us where we het our nails done and we were like "uhh...we do them ourselves?" Lol and I showed her my chipped pink nail varnish and she laughed.

Ohhhh yeah, and she was looking at Natalies twitter name on the piece of paper and was like "huh? what does that say?" and we were like "it says nattypondetrack!" and we told her to say it in a Jamaican accent and she did and it was soooo hilarious and I kept asking her to do it again cos it was soooo funny. And then Tori filmed her saying it!!!

I asked her when she's putting the BM store online and she said next week, so fingers crossed it will actually go up and I also asked her if she's going to do anymore of those long vlogs she does that she edits and puts together and she says she's in the middle of doing one right now yayyy!!!

Oh and then she got out her video camera and asked to film us for BM. So we just basically had to say our name and be like "We love BM" but it was a bit of a mess haha. Then Kim wanted a picture with us on her camera to Mark took one.

And I told her when she goes to Manchester she has to look out for Chloe, because she was going to be there, and Kim asked what her BM username was and I told her and she was like "oooh ok I'll definitely look out for her!" cos I told her Chloe tried to meet her in Manchester on tour but we didn't get to.

Ugh...I can't remember what else we were saying...we all spoke about A LOT of things...

Anyway then Kim had to go to the stage to do something, so we went and sat right at the front and then when she came on the stage we started cheering and she was talking about BM and said "There's some of my BM family over there" and pointed to us. And then she went back to her table but then there were loadssss of people there.

Oh yeah. I really wanted her to sign my shoe but was a bit to scared to ask, and then Tori was like "Rachel wants you to sign her shoe!!!" And I was like "Nooooo it's ok!!" And Kim was like "No, come here, I'll sign it" and I said "Nah, I can't take it off, incase it smells, hahhaa" And then she got down on one knee and made me put my foot on her knee so she could sign it hahahaha!! My camera had died but Tori took a picture of her signing it lmaooo.

We all wanted to go the MJ tribute show but we had no money and it was sold out anyway so Tori sort of hinted to Kim for tickets like "Ohh we want to go tonight, but we don't have tickets" and Kim was just like "Aww that's a shame." ....hahaa.

So then I went up to Mark and was like "Is there any chance you could get us tickets for tonight?" And he was like "Of course, I'll see what I can do" And then after a while Kim and Mark left to go to Pride in Manchester. Mark text me and told us to wait at the door at 6.30pm to try and get us in.

So we had a to wait a few hours and then Chloe was texting me and calling me like "Omggg I just met Kim!!" And apparo Kim was like "Aww yeah Rachel was telling me all about you!" :)

Then at 6.30pm we went back to the door and it was pissssingggggg down. And 10 minutes later they drive back and Mark says to one of the staff "These people are with me" So we got to follow him and Kim backstage. And we were waiting for someone to open the door and Kim was like "Oooh I have that scarf!" And I was like "Yeah I know, I gave it to you!" Haha.

Mark kept saying to everyone "These people are with me, they are good fans, so they are with me. They are sleeping in a car!! That shows dedication!!!" Haha. It was kind of embarrassing though knowing that Kim knew we were sleeping in a car LOOOL.

Then we went in and Kim and Mark went somewhere so we were just hanging around backstage where we saw Diversity, George Sampson, Ellis Hollins (Tom from Hollyoaks), Austin Drage, Andy Abraham...think that's about it.

Then we saw Kim again and she was just hanging around with a drink in her hand so we were talking to her and I was like "What are you drinking?" And she was like "Hot water and lemon, cos I have a sore throat" And I was like "Ooooh party on! I thought it was a vodka or something" hahaha and she laughed then I said "Why don't you get drunk? That would be fun?" And she totally burst out laughing and was like "Do you want to turn me into a party animal or something?" and we were like yeahhh!!! Hahaha.

And then I whispered to Tori "Ask her about which PCD kissed Lady Gaga" And Tori was like "No you ask her" And Kim was like "EXCUUUUSE ME, what do you want to ask me???" And we were like "ehhhhh...." And Tori said "Rachel just wanted to know which Pussycat Doll kissed Lady Gaga?" And Kim was like "Oh, I actually don't know!!" And Tori was like "Ohh...Rachel thought it was you!!!" (Thanks And Kim was like "Noo it wasn't me" and I said "Tori thinks it was Jess" Then I asked if Jess was better and Kim said "She text me the other day saying she's fully healed now!!" And I was like "Aww yay!!! So if you were doing a show tonight, she would be able to perform?" And she was like "Yup!!!" And I was like "Gooood, I miss her!!!!" And Kim was like "Me tooo!!" Hehe.

And Kim saw my necklace and was touching it lol and said "Oooh I like this" hehe which was nice, lol.

Then we went back to the stage and watched from the side. We were literally like 5 feet away from Diversity performing, they are soooo good!! Then Kim went on stage and said some stufff, and then the show finished and we went to say bye to Kim and she gave us all a hug and told us to have a safe trip hoooome. And that was that!

Kim and me on the Saturday :)

Haha...rock onnnn :)

Kim signing my shoe.

The finished product <3

Kim and the gang :)

Me and Kim :)

Us waiting to go backstage.

Kim and I again :)