Thursday 4 March 2010

My 2 cents for the day...

I'm almost 21 years old. I'm not a kid anymore. I left school in June 2006.
I don't want to associate myself with drama, so when it decides to show its ugly face in my life I do all I can to stop fuelling the fire and to get rid of it.

Some people love High School drama...even though they left school a long time ago. Not me. I don't want to be one of those grown women who still scraps with people and bitches about so-called friends. I want to be the type of woman where I pride myself in being independent and know that friends are about quality and not quantity.

I would much rather have 1 friend who I could trust with my life instead of 10 friends who run around behind your back spreading shit about you.

I have absolutely no problem with the physical age difference in friends. You can be 18 and have great friends in their late 20s or 30s. No biggie. But you need to make sure you pick friends the same mental age as yourself. No point being 20 and hanging around with people who act 14 is there? It will never work. You gotta surround yourself with the right people.

Maturity is what it's all about. Some people can't differentiate between maturity and immaturity, so you need to ask yourself if they're worth your time. If they are not, don't lead them on. Just cut them loose and you will quickly see how fast they fall away from you.

"Sometimes you've gotta let go, just to see if there was anything worth holding on to". - Jessica Origliasso